Should You Move or Invest in Home Remodeling in Tyler, TX?

July 4, 2019 3:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

One day, after living in your house for a number of years, you may wake up and realize it’s no longer what you want or what your family needs. While your first instinct is to consider selling and moving, another option is to make some updates and live in it longer. Which option is best for you? Start by thinking about your emotional attachment to the house or the area where you live, and whether remodeling is even in your budget. If you want to move, figure out whether you can afford to buy a larger home. These factors and others can help you make a decision.

So, should you invest in home remodeling in Tyler, TX, or just move to a new house? Below are a few things to keep in mind when deciding what to do:

  • What your heart is telling you: It’s crucial that, when deciding whether to sell and move or update, you check in on the emotional state of things. Your emotions will say a lot on your brain’s behalf, so think honestly and hard about how your home and neighborhood makes you feel. Think about the relationships you have with neighbors and your feelings toward the area where you live—if the feelings are good or extraordinary, then renovating may be the right choice. Stay and you can make changes to your home, both for functionality and aesthetics.
  • Affordability: Initially, buying your current home made sense. You could afford the payments, utilities and upkeep, but now you’re barely staying above water financially. In this case, selling and moving is necessary.
  • The desire for more or less space: One of the main reasons why homeowners decide to sell is the need for more living space, or they want to downsize to a smaller home or property. You can sell, but if you have the budget for it, renovating to create your ideal layout is another option. Build a home addition, or skip adding more square footage and simply remodel your existing space into more rooms. On the other hand, a family that needs more rooms but can’t make their existing space work might prefer to sell.
  • Neighborhood quality: Is the problem something with your current home, or is there an issue with insufferable neighbors, an undesirable school district or your physical location? If your problem is more with people and the area in general, you might just want to move.
  • Time length of renovations: Major home renovations take a long time to complete. These types of projects are not like what you see on TV shows, where an entire house gets gutted, redesigned and rebuilt in what seems like a matter of days. In reality, it’s a serious long-term commitment in time, energy and funds. A complete kitchen remodel can go on for three to six months, and a bathroom remodel for two to three months.

If you’ve decided to stay put and want information about home remodeling in Tyler, TX, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Canfield Construction Management. We’d love to help you find a way to make your existing home work for your family!

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